A tiny little model house with a crocheted cap over it.

Furnaces, Boilers, and Heat Pumps: What’s The Difference?

A homeowner can choose between several types of heating systems to keep their home warm during the winter. Understanding the differences between these systems and how they work can help you make an informed decision for your home’s heating needs.

In the following blog post, we will explore the three popular types of heating options used in the Midwest. We will cover their operating principles, energy sources, costs, and efficiency considerations.

Common Ground: Types of Heating Systems

Before diving into each heating system’s specifics, let’s establish some common ground. These are the main types of heating systems you’ll encounter:

  • Furnaces are found in many Arkansas households. They blow heated air through ducts, distributing warmth via air registers or grills. Furnaces can be powered by electricity, natural gas, or fuel oil.
  • Boilers are specialized units that heat water and distribute it through pipes to radiators or baseboard heaters, providing comfortable warmth. Standard fuels for boilers include oil and natural gas.
  • Heat Pumps are versatile systems that both heat and cool your home. They work by transferring heat from one area to another using electricity. Air-source and ground-source heat pumps are the two primary types.

Chances are, if you own a home in Arkansas, you have one of these three types of heaters. So, let’s dive into each heating system to understand its unique features and considerations.

Woman holds a cup of steaming coffee, wrapped in a comfy sweater.


How Furnaces Work: Furnaces operate by heating coils using fuel sources like propane, natural gas, or electricity. A motorized blower then circulates warm air through ducts, evenly distributing heat throughout your home.

Cost Considerations: Electric furnaces are small but less efficient, making them an economical choice for smaller spaces. Gas furnaces require access to a natural gas supply. They can be enhanced with accessories like humidifiers and air purifiers, which can impact installation costs.

Efficiency Matters: Furnaces are regulated by their AFUE (Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency) rating. A higher AFUE indicates greater efficiency and cost savings. New furnace standards are under development, aiming to improve efficiency further.


How Boilers Work: Boilers heat water, which flows through pipes to radiators or baseboard heaters, providing a consistent and even heat source. Standard fuels for boilers include oil and natural gas.

Cost Considerations: The installation cost of a boiler depends on its type and fuel source. Boilers with electronic ignition save on energy costs. Ensure your long-term value by choosing high-efficiency Energy Star-rated equipment.

Efficiency Matters: Condensing gas-fired boilers are more efficient than non-condensing boilers, offering significant energy savings. Careful consideration of your fuel choice and system type is critical to optimizing efficiency.

Heat Pumps

How Heat Pumps Work: Heat pumps use electricity to transfer heat from one area to another. In winter, they scavenge heat from the cold outdoors, warming your home. In summer, they reverse the process to cool indoor spaces. Heat pumps come in two primary types: air-source and ground-source.

Cost Considerations: Installing a heat pump is an energy-efficient way to heat and cool your home, potentially reducing utility bills. The installation cost varies based on the type of heat pump and your home’s size.

Efficiency Matters: Heat pumps boast a coefficient of performance (COP) that reflects their efficiency. Ground-source heat pumps are highly efficient, making them a sustainable choice for long-term living.

Choosing the Right Heating System

Each of these popular types of heating equipment – furnaces, boilers, and heat pumps – offer unique home heating solutions. Understanding their workings, costs, and efficiency ratings will help you make an informed decision. Whether you prioritize even, radiant heat, energy efficiency, or year-round comfort, there’s a heating system that suits your needs.

If you are in the process of selecting a heating system for your home, consider factors such as your budget, climate, and long-term energy savings. It’s essential to weigh the initial costs against potential future expenditures. Aim for high-efficiency equipment, which may qualify for utility company rebates.

Final Thoughts

Here at Greers Ferry Heat & Air, we want to make sure our customers stay warm, cozy, and energy-efficient all year round. That’s why we are always here to help you make the right heating choice for your home.

If you have further questions or are considering installing a new heating system, don’t hesitate to contact us. Our experienced comfort specialists can help you determine the best system for your needs. Remember, staying warm doesn’t mean breaking the bank. Choose wisely, and enjoy the comfort of an efficiently heated home.